
Stress Linearization Tool Development





Calculation, FEA, DSET, MAPLE


UK, Cheshire


FE codes often provide tools for postprocessing, however different codes offer different tools, and sometimes we may need to use a tool which isn’t included within a particular package.

We may also want to build on the capabilities of existing software functionality with our own custom tools.

Undertaking these activities give us confidence in the tools we use and provides options to verify our results effectively. By producing our own engineering tools, they become non code specific, allowing the possibility for DOCAN to utilize any function regardless of the code we use for analyses.

The challenge

The procedure for stress linearization is defined in ASME VIII Div. 2 ANNEX 5-A and involves the integration of the stress distribution through the stress field being linearized. The requirements are to identify the component stresses along a line from FEA results, perform calculations including numerical integration to generate linearized stresses.


The DOCAN solution

One example of DSET (DOCAN Stress Engineering Tools) is our in-house stress linearization tool. We used Simpson’s rule to evaluate the integrals of the stress distributions. This is a simple and more accurate form of numerical approximation than trapezium rule. The data is then processed, and the linearized stresses are calculated.


The outcome

DOCAN have produced a tool that can import the component stress data, calculate membrane, membrane + bending, and peak stresses, identify the maximums, and display all graphically.


Project summary

TaskApplicationFEADSETMapleNumerical Algorithms
Calculation ProcessASME VIII Div 2
Stress Field
Cubic Equations
Simpson's Rule
Conditional programming
Application productionUser interface
Data Handling
Graphical representation