Dealing with crack-like defects in pipelines

Dealing with crack-like defects in pipelines

How we can assess crack-like defects and validate their stability.

Cracks in pipes are common issues which can pose a significant threat to the pipeline’s integrity – but can you live with them?

In some cases, maybe. But pipeline cracks aren’t all the same. By using a systematic approach, they can be evaluated to confirm if they’re stable or unstable.

crack like defects

DOCAN’s advanced engineering team has extensive pipeline engineering experience and has dealt with defects for many years. We’ve recently found that we’re assessing crack-like defects more and more, following the relevant codes such as API579, BS7910, BE, R6 and so on.

pipeline crack

If you’ve got a pipeline defect, our services can help. Like many ways we work, if there’s a technology-led solution which makes us efficient, increases quality and reduces risk, we use it.

If you would like to know more, get in touch with us.