Our Core Tools

CFD Software


Delivering comprehensive Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) consulting services to our clients is driven by a combination of in-house knowledge and industry-leading tools.

The integration of software packages such as Ansys Fluent enhances our CFD capabilities and ensures we’re fully equipped to simulate and analyse fluid flow phenomena across a spectrum of applications. We can model complex fluid dynamics scenarios, including aerodynamics, heat transfer, and multiphase flows, providing clients with invaluable insights into the performance and efficiency of their designs.

We can support clients in addressing and solving intricate fluid dynamics challenges across many industries using Ansys Fluent and other CFD packages such as FLoEFD as required. With a commitment to staying at the forefront of technology, we can offer clients competitive and cost-effective solutions.


Featured Software

We pride ourselves on delivering technology-led solutions by integrating the following market-leading software packages into our consultancy services.


Related consultancy service

DOCAN offers advanced CFD expertise that spans industries from oil & gas and power generation to nuclear and many more.


Info pack

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